Forma pensionistica complementare soggetta alla vigilanza della COVIP (Albo n. 1386)


Investment Innovation

Investment Innovation

Sustainability Report

Sergio Carfizzi, General Manager,Fondo Pensione Nazionale

Though sustainable reporting is becoming increasingly common, in 2019 Fondo Pensione Nazionale BCC (FPN) became the first Italian pension fund to publish a sustainability report, following this up whit a further edition in 2020.

 To create these reports, comprehensive questionnaires were sent to all managers to identify and assess how sustainable investing was being both implemented and monitored. The data gathered has provided new insight of this progress for members, with 97% of FPN assets now being managed in line with an ESG policy and 53% being overseen by a dedicated ESG team. General manager Sergio Carfizzi is targeting 100% sustainable coverage for the scheme's assets, with full-time ESG staff being appointed to the FPN to help achieve long-term monitoring and implementation of these characteristics. These developments have been made before the introduction of mandatory requiements by italian regulators, with Carfizzi believing the diffusion of finances and sustainable investing are essential.

Il Fondo

© Fondo Pensione Nazionale per il personale delle Banche di Credito Cooperativo Casse Rurali ed Artigiane

Forma pensionistica complementare soggetta alla vigilanza della COVIP (Iscrizione all'Albo n. 1386)

C.F. 96104290588
